We start with organic milk from grass-fed cows on sustainable family farms. Once the milk is HTST pasteurized, enzymes are added to start the curd-making process. Over four to five hours, the curds continue to form inside the cheese vat.
Upon completion, the whey is removed and transported to a nearby processing facility. There, it is dried and converted to protein powder for use in other products. Then, the curds are cut, cooled, and moved to a new vat where the cottage cheese dressing is added.
Our lowfat cottage cheese dressing is a blend of nonfat milk, cream, and Celtic Sea Salt®, an unprocessed whole salt that is hand-harvested on the Brittany coast of France. These salt farmers, in fact, have much in common with the dairy farmers who produce our milk: they provide food in its most natural state by using traditional farming methods that sustain the region’s environmental integrity.
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